Tuesday, August 12, 2014

In the beginning... there is nothing.

Technically, at any beginning, there may not be anything physically. However, there are so many things that we cannot see but are constantly driving us. In fact, some of the most powerful forces are not visible at all. If I were to read this as a stranger for the first time, I'd think gravity. It's an unseen force that not only drives us to stay relatively "grounded" - it drives the planets, moons, stars and the universe. Others would probably think along the lines of physics and nature. Giving it another thought, my inner movie-nerd would probably say lightning (1.21 gigawatts!! ;) )
Recently, someone commented on an "unseen force" that could probably put all others to shame. Can you guess? You have 3 chances:
1- Nope
2- Close

3- You were just using it...
The human thought.  (You might have been right the first time, but how would have I known? ;) )

No pun here - but just think about it for a minute. Technically, our thoughts can propel us to do anything we want. With discipline, and put into proper execution - it can make nations rise, harness the power of the atom and take us beyond the stars one day. Used poorly, it can destroy everything previously listed and anything that has yet to be seen.

So - where am I going with all this? Like I said, in the beginning there is nothing - but a thought. I am thinking of starting something where I can help others become aware of the untapped power within. Harnessing and channeling it for good. Even my own. I know I keep putting it off, but I must do something before I get "too old".
Two years ago, I blogged about starting to read the 8th Habit and wanting to teach it.I think it's about time - plus, I think it's a good place to start if I am ever to find my "personal hedgehog".

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