Wednesday, September 29, 2010

1903 Success "How-To's" Still Alive and Kickin'

This is a great post:
How To Succeed In Life - Todd Duncan
Read this post all the way through - you will be surprised how much a lot of it still applies today. I know, the 1st and 2nd probably doesn't fly with a lot of us. However, if you are going to be hard-core and ready to embrace self-leadership (self-discipline) in business, you have to start at the core: Which is you. Your mind/body and health as a whole. I guess there could be a 2.5 addendum on exercise and eating right, but back in 1903, the whole "muscle-building carb-counting" thing wan't in the scene yet.
I absolutely agree with the ending: "Wealth Building". This is why I am not a lemming when it comes to self-help gurus of our time. It would seem that their teachings revolve around the illusion of making you wealthy, while they are the ones achieving wealth at our expense. I hardly ever hear any of them preaching on helping others and continue to better yourself for the good of others (what a concept). However, I wouldn't mind a cool $M. Retire at 35... cool. Oh wait, that was last year. D'oh! (Can I retire with $1M?) Maybe

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Success – How do you define it? Part 4.

Is success a destination that we are all trying to get to? What if success in life is more like a collection of all the other successes – each leading to a next one. Like that phrase: “Life is a journey, not a destination” – Success, too, may be a great journey that need not end. How interesting of a concept is that?

Before I continue, I would like to thank my contributor, Neelam, for finding and summarizing the material that follows in this entry.

First, let's see these two presentations were given at the TED conference by Richard St. John.

The motivation for the first presentation was a girl on an airplane who sat next to Richard and asked him a question “what leads to success?” Not knowing a clear answer, he interviewed TED conference presenters and came up with factors or what he calls the secrets that lead to success.  These 8 secrets are:  passion, work, focus, push, ideas, improve, serve and persist.  The presentation provides more detail on each secret.  In this first presentation, notice that the secrets leading to success are depicted as a staircase process leading to the end goal of “success”.  However, in the second presentation, he has changed this depiction and made it cyclic.  And so I found the second presentation to be more helpful to me personally as it points out some pitfalls that we should avoid once we reach success. 
The linear, "One Way" view.

The circular, "continuous journey" view.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Success – How do you define it? Part 3.

Hello everyone! I am so happy to say that this is it. Today, I’m going to discuss the true “Secret to Success”. Soon, you will see why this also is my favorite definition of “success”. Before you get ready to print this out and post it everywhere, read what’s here and take in the true beauty and simplicity of “The Secret”. Are you ready? The secret is… that there is no “secret”. You see what I mean? I told you it was simple. OK, there’s a little more to it than that. Allow me to elaborate the simplicity. Have you ever seen “Kung-Fu Panda” ? If not, do so. Not only will your kids like it (if you have kids), you will enjoy it too.
It has a great “moral to the story” that resonates with what I am writing here. I don’t want to spoil the movie. However, the older you get, the more you realize that sometimes those big “secrets” are not secrets at all. You learn that if you believe enough in something – it’s practically true (Almost like that "self-fulfilling prophesy" stuff I mentioned in Part 1). That intense belief is much more special than any “secret”.  That’s right. The secret to success is you – and believing in yourself.