Sunday, February 17, 2013

Kaizen is NOT a destination

January is long gone. 2013 is well underway, and I have yet to write my 1st blog post. Since it is still early in the year,  let's look at a topic that we all think about when a new year starts... change. OK - not just change: Improvement. That's right. We all seek to improve ourselves in some way around this time of the year. However, we often abandon in mid-transition. Sticking to the transition and incorporating it as routine is the trick. When it comes to "rubber meets the road" notice how it's easier to stick to things that are small? Who would think that the trick is exactly that - sticking to things that are small. 
Small changes. 
I recently finished "reading" another great audio-book: The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. As many of you know, I have been reading all sorts of audio-books lately. Yes, even some HALO audio-books!

Mater Chief: The ultimate example of "improvement"

Although I always love to read and digest thought-provoking subject matter. The unfortunate side-effect is the resulting "belly ache" from trying to take it all in at once. The information is so rich, it is hard to integrate it into life right away - or - find immediate application to the everyday routine.