Friday, January 29, 2010

Personality Basics

What is a more fitting 2nd entry than to write about you! Well, that is you… me… everybody. After all, do we know why we are the way we are? I’m not going into real deep aspects of the human psyche, character or our spiritual being. I’m only going to scratch the surface by exploring our personalities. That is, how we learn, approach situations and process information. Knowing the roots of our behavior is key to allow us to understand each others’ behaviors – especially those you intend to lead.

I personally LOVE the movie: The Matrix. Not only is it SciFi, but it carries a few simple, yet practical messages we can all take away and apply to our lives. One of the best is the “Know thyself” theme. I will bring this one up in future Blogs along with other themes on “walking the path”. Anyone who remembers the Kitchen encounter with the Oracle knows of the sign hanging over the entrance with “Temet Nosce” written on it. In essence, it is Latin for “Thine own self thou must know” ( . If you look at yourselves in a mirror, you know our physical aspects. However, do you really know who you are? What gives you your “way of being”… your personality?

Needless to say, no two people are alike.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Starting My Path

Sit back, relax and enjoy. I want to share with you my journey as I learn and grow my Leadership skills and abilities. In addition to reading what I post, I want everyone to contribute, have fun, spread the word and enrich the lives of those around us by becoming better people.

First, I intend to "de-mystify" the concepts of Leadership. Through reading, researching online, posting links and reflecting on my life experiences. I hope to point out all those things that make a big impact in helping everyone make their own paths to success. After all, as leaders, we all need to make our own decisions – and yes, always with the best interest of the group in mind.

Second, I promise not to re-invent the wheel. It's all out there. The research has been done, the books exist, the groups have gathered and the real leaders are out there. My intention is to provide a daily digest of what I've learned, put it in practical terms and allow everyone to share their thoughts.