Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Forging your own path: what does it take?

Can't believe it's May! Five months into the new year... and this is my 1st entry?! What's worse... I've been working on this since November '13... ! I didn't realize how difficult of a topic this is. As much as I wanted to generalize, or elaborate based on my limited experience - I found that there were factors I kept neglecting.
After typing and deleting, and re-writing what I thought I knew, I realized this phrase was so true:

"The more you know- the more you realize you don't know".

Not sure why I even chose this topic. None of the audio-books I've read recently really cover anything on "forging your own path" in depth. Therefore, all I could do is come up with questions.

1) Can one keep true to tradition, shift a paradigm and make your life your own?

2) What does it take to break the cycle?

3) Forge a new path by doing what?

The only "work" I have seen recently that addresses these topics are movies. For example, seen "Brave" ? Torn between tradition and what [She] would like to do - the main character is thrown into a turmoil of events leading to a conclusion (I hope I am not spoiling anything here) that is better than following tradition or her doing her thing. Of course it's just a story, and probably easier "said than done". However, I believe many traditions/cycles must have been broken very painfully and at high costs.

Some "time-honored traditions" along with cycles/paradigms that may not be entirely grounded on principles. Many may need revisiting and revising. Many may not apply directly to the present if we are to move forward into a future where mankind is meant to leave "Mother Earth" explore other worlds. A compromise? Not necessarily. If we get at closer look, what was created wasn't something that was in between or "down the middle". Dr. Covey would call this creating a "3rd Alternative". When I first was writing this entry, I had not read the book. However - I have listened to the Audio book, and where I was going with this stands true. I have come to realize that it actually takes work to create a path that no ONE person could have seen on their own. A creation in of itself, like a child in a marriage. A "3rd mind". I will have an entry that will focus on the 3rd Alternative and elaborate the awesome concept- which is the last of Dr. Covey's work.

In the mean time, if anyone can help me find answers to the above 3 questions - I would greatly appreciate it!