Friday, September 6, 2013

That matter of Time...

My last post was not just about time... but that time is finite.
Just read this blog post that I found to be very relevant to that topic:

It is very interesting to see the difference between what we plan to do with our time - and what we actually get to do with it. Without a doubt, in our current world - most of our lives are so dynamic and full of distractions and forces pushing and pulling at us... that we loose sight of what we were planning to do.

I completely agree with the blog entry that it has to do with focus and prioritizing.
The problem may actually lie in finding the time to prioritize - OR BETTER YET - identify your "personal Hedgehog" and focus on that one thing! - remember that? ;-) To know exactly what to focus on! Wow... and undertaking unto itself.

In closing, Looking back at that Hedgehog entry, and thinking about the hedgehog vs. the fox... it turns out that being the fox may also mean being a time-waster. I guess being the know-it-all fox could make you a "try-it-all fox"... 8^!