Thursday, June 30, 2011

Who are Level 5 Leaders?

Finally! I started reading Good to Great by Jim Collins. So far – it really is a Great book (no pun intended). In the beginning, it may seem a bit like “OK, fine – I believe you” – as The How’s, Who’s and Why’s of the book are broadcast loud and clear. I did not read Built to Last – but apparently, Good to Great is a sort of “prequel”. What I am really looking forward to is that there are some Discussion Guides and supplemental material on Jim that follow each of the major points and core values that take a corporation from good to great.

Maybe I am too much of an idealist, but I believe anyone can be a leader – given the right situation. Any of us can “rise to the occasion”. Perhaps. For the fist time in a long time, something made me question this belief. Or at least – make me realize that not all leaders may not have the potential of becoming what is called a “Level 5 Leader”. As I read through the chapter, I was actually saddened. So many points rang true from my career experience. Jim’s description of so many mediocre companies that sought out the “loud or charismatic” leaders. Not to mention the successful leaders that let it all go to their heads and forego enduring greatness for their corporations (suddenly personal greatness was more important). Last, but not least, the constant oversight of companies' natural Level 5 Leaders in their midst. I totally know people who are practically there. Maybe level 4.5 - and are completely overlooked.
Oh – what is a Level 5 Leader?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You down with J.P.C ?

Before I begin, I must give credit where credit is due. I was inspired to do this quick entry by a coworker in a nearby department. For quite some time now, whenever I ask him how he's doing, he replies "J*dido pero contento" with a smile. We even abbreviated it to "J.P.C"... and we agreed that it would be a great song (I hope he does it). Although difficult to make an exact translation, J.P.C. can mean "beat-up, but happy". Those of us who know South American Spanish know the "J-Word". I hope I am not offending anyone, but since it is such a colorful language - it really is great to use on the dull canvas of everyday "bla bla bla". =)
I digress.
I believe this gentleman is the perfect example of what being Proactive is all about. (Habit#1 of Highly Effective People). Why? Take a quick look at my post on being "Proactive" and soak in what you can.  Not only is my peer usually in a good mood, he smiles despite the problems we all face in the daily grind. I told him before about the 7 Habits, and that he practices #1 very well. Not sure if he believes me.
So - What is the most proactive thing you can do? Smile. Yep, it's that simple.
"Proactive people carry their own weather with them-whether it rains or shines makes no difference to them. Their honor is greater than their moods."
To say you are happy, and show it - despite hardships is a choice we all can make.
I know sometimes it can be easier said than done. However, for the next few weeks, make the conscience effort to smile. Even if all seems "lost". Even if your response to someone's "How are you?" is: "I'm beat-up, but happy". Try it. Not only will you feel better - I believe it is infectious... Good-moods beget good-moods.