Tuesday, January 31, 2012

No Whey?

After a nice 2-month break from blogging , I figure I'd get back into it. And back to dragging myself through "Good to Great". Half-way through the book... and half-way through the chapter on "Culture of Discipline". I had to take a pause from reading the chapter for two reasons. One - I had to do this entry since I've been such a slacker these past two months. Two - I had to do some online research over the "Rinsing your cottage cheese" section of the chapter. :-D
I promise to give an insightful entry soon on the full chapter. Right now, I need to get my thoughts on this screen.
So - how does "rinsing cheese" fit into a chapter about Discipline?! Quite a bit actually. I had trouble understanding it at first. After reading it, I agreed... Reluctantly. No doubt, if you are so disciplined as to "rid extra fat" (whether it is true I'm still not sure) from your cottage cheese by rinsing it - I suppose you do deserve to win Ironman Triathlon... six times.

NOT THIS IronMan.. .Cool Though.

There's a ton of training that goes into it which cannot be belittled. However, the cheese thing had me shaking my head. So - how much fat could that really be? (Especially if its "low fat" already) Not to mention if you're already doing a ton of training you're probably burning that in your sleep. ;-)

Is there a moral to Jim's story and analogy? Of course. The six-time Ironman Triathlon winner Dave Scott and his discipline about "the little things" - or "superdiscipline" - is nothing to sneeze at.
However, I was in such disbelief. I had to go online to check. Low and behold. Apparently some people do rinse their cottage cheese! Wow. Other articles mention it as a way to  get rid of extra sodium. OK.
Now, I'm no expert, but aren't you getting rid of the whey in the process? Protein? Good stuff? Not too long ago, when I used to work-out at the company gym daily... I used to pay big bucks for a tub of whey powder so I could make my protein shakes. I pay $$ for something others flush it down the drain? Woa. Gives a new meaning to "one man's trash is another man's treasure". Why don't the cottage cheese manufacturers make an All Curds - No Whey? Ultra Pure - Twice Rinsed - Negative Fat Cottage Cheese? They can take the whey they just rinsed off and sell it to good-hearted weight-trainers like I was.. LOL!
All kidding aside, I do miss those days. Getting a bit flabby.
OK - I digress... but I am not. This is what I needed to get out there.
The logic maybe sound. Or is it flawed? I understand we can be superdisciplined  - as long as we believe it gives us that "edge" Jim mentions in the section. However, if we are going to be that disciplined about something, shouldn't we double-check to make sure that it really is going to be that effective? Meh. It may very well be in our minds anyway - which in the end can be our unique "Secret to our individual Successes".

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