Thursday, June 27, 2013


Sitting in school and waiting for the bell to ring. Not just the ring, but what followed. Running out the building, go home and tune into one of my favorite cartoons of all-time: Transformers.

Yea, there's been a few Hollywood movies lately, but I am talking about 1980's G1 goodness.
Let's not forget about the toys! Still have a bunch of the original ones - plus - a few of the new releases that make me feel like a kid all over again. Many may argue that I never really grew-up. They may be right. Perhaps all I did was really "transform" my external body... ;)

What about internal transformation? That may actually be the most difficult. We all change our exteriors: our clothes, our hair, over-all appearances (especially during Halloween) but internal change is a feet nothing short of getting a rocket into orbit.

Yes - launching a rocket into orbit is a great metaphor I recently heard in an audio-book! Indeed, the greatest amount of energy is actually required in the beginning - escaping Earth's gravity. In our case, us trying to escape our daily habits (the ones that hold us down). The interesting part is, once in orbit, there is little effort required to go 'round & 'round. For us to get "into orbit" we need to transform something relatively simple: our way of thinking. Let's imagine our rocket getting the best fuel possible.
Fuel? What motivates you? Many of us may say "money". After all, how am I to get my cool Transformers figures? In all seriousness, let's think beyond the physical. Think what really drives us regardless of tangibles. That which remains long after we're gone. Our legacy. We may not live forever, but be ready to believe that your actions will live on forever. Believe in the impact your life will leave on those who know you. On those who count on you, love you and rely on you.
Need rocket fuel? I highly recommend The Power to Transform as your station.

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”

-Less Brown

1 comment:

  1. This was a truly inspiring post. Reading it left me feeling overwhelmingly pleasant. Your analogy of the rocket was not only valid, but serves as an accurate representation of what's truly necessary to be successful. Getting started is usually the hardest part because you have so much to overcome. However, once you're up and running, the moment and success that you encounter will carry you the rest of the way... straight across your finish line to infinity and beyond.
