Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Common Thread - Vision

Sorry I am a little late with my weekly entry. I spent a long weekend with my wife in Miami, Florida. Which, I must say, was quite relaxing. Of course, wherever you go now a day, there is always the appropriate technology available to do everything from email to trading stocks. So, I have no excuses. However, when I go on vacation I prefer to un-plug and only carry my cell phone for emergencies and nothing else.

Since I am short on time, I will make a short entry. I will focus on something that we have all come across in our careers in some way shape or form. Even if you have followed a path less travelled, or made your own, you may have actually experienced it first hand. I call it “the common thread”.

Those who know me, you are aware that I have seen the entire span of company sizes. Since I graduated from College in 1997, I have worked for 6 different corporations spanning 5 industries. I have experience in small, medium and global sized companies. Yes, all of this, not including my own company I started with my family years ago – it lasted a few years, but is no more. If I am to identify a “common thread” among all of these companies, it is their drive for being, their motivation: their Vision.

Some companies communicate their vision to their employees better than others
– unfortunately, some companies just lack vision altogether. Some may have a great mission statement, but only connects with external customers. It really is up to Management to step-up, be Leaders and convey the vision. Furthermore, the vision should be one that aligns with the personal goals of their employees. After all, are we to expect that our colleagues be interested in a corporate vision that is only interested in dominating the market or increasing the bottom line? There is nothing like a vision that touches the human heart and engages the imagination. To have it communicated with passion and sincerity. After all, we are all human, greater than the sum of our parts. Shouldn’t the company we work for be the same?

What companies come to mind when you think of true “vision” that is conveyed with as much emphasis to their employees as to their customers?

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